Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic Waves

The story of electromagnetic waves begins with the brilliant Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell. In the mid-19th century, Maxwell was the first to predict the existence of electromagnetic waves. He did this by combining the laws of electricity and magnetism into a set of equations that bear his name—Maxwell’s Equations. These equations suggested that electric … Read more

Displacement Current

Displacement Current

The story of displacement current begins with a brilliant 19th-century scientist named James Clerk Maxwell. He was a Scottish physicist who made significant contributions to the field of electromagnetism. In 1861, Maxwell was working on understanding how electric and magnetic fields interact. He was studying the behavior of electric fields in capacitors, which are devices … Read more


Transformer And Its Working

What is a Transformer? Transformers are fascinating devices that play a fundamental role in the field of electricity and power systems. They are like magical machines that can change the voltage of electricity, allowing us to efficiently transmit and use electrical energy in various applications. Understanding transformers is essential for anyone interested in how electricity … Read more

LC Oscillations

LC Oscillations

Understanding LC Oscillations LC oscillations occur in a circuit where a capacitor and an inductor are connected together. This type of circuit is known as an LC circuit, and it’s a fundamental concept in the study of physics, especially when dealing with alternating current (AC) circuits. How LC Oscillations Occur Imagine you have a charged … Read more

AC Voltage Applied to a Series LCR Circuit

AC Voltage Applied to a Series LCR Circuit.

When AC voltage is applied to a series LCR circuit, the voltage source alternates, causing the current to change direction periodically. This current interacts with each component in the circuit—resistor, inductor, and capacitor —in unique ways due to their distinct properties: In a series LCR circuit connected to an AC source (let’s call it \(\displaystyle … Read more

Representation of AC Current And Voltage By Phasor Diagram

Representation of AC Current And Voltage By Phasor Diagram.

Phasor Diagrams A phasor diagram is a graphical representation that shows the magnitude and phase relationship between different quantities in an alternating current circuit. It’s used to analyze the behavior of voltages and currents in AC circuits and helps in understanding the concept of phase difference and power factor. Phasor Representation  AC current and voltage … Read more