Electric Field

Electric Field

The story of the electric field begins in the early 19th century with a brilliant scientist named Michael Faraday. Faraday was fascinated by electricity and magnetism, which were relatively new and mysterious forces at the time. He conducted numerous experiments to understand how electric charges interact with each other. Faraday proposed that charges do not … Read more

Basic Properties of Electric Charge

Basic Properties of Electric Charge

Long before the term ‘electricity’ was coined, ancient civilizations noticed strange forces at play. The Greeks, for example, found that rubbing amber (or ‘elektron’) with fur attracted light objects like feathers. This was the earliest recorded observation of static electricity. Fast forward to the 18th century, when the American polymath Benjamin Franklin conducted extensive research … Read more

Electric Charge

Electric Charge

The story of electric charge begins in ancient times. The Greeks were among the first to discover electrical phenomena. Around 600 BC, a Greek philosopher named Thales of Miletus observed that rubbing amber with fur would cause it to attract small objects like dust and feathers. This was the earliest known study of static electricity, … Read more