Electric Charge

Electric Charge

The story of electric charge begins in ancient times. The Greeks were among the first to discover electrical phenomena. Around 600 BC, a Greek philosopher named Thales of Miletus observed that rubbing amber with fur would cause it to attract small objects like dust and feathers. This was the earliest known study of static electricity, … Read more

Anomalous Expansion of Water

Anomalous Expansion of Water

The story of water’s peculiar behavior begins in the mid-19th century. In 1859, a British scientist named W.J.M. Rankine made a groundbreaking discovery. He observed that when water freezes, it expands and occupies more space than it does in its liquid form. This was contrary to the common behavior of substances, which typically contract upon … Read more

Thermal Expansion

Thermal expansion

The concept of materials expanding with heat has likely been observed since ancient times, as people noticed that hot days could cause doors to stick or metals to become more pliable. The scientific study of thermal expansion began during the Renaissance. This period marked the birth of modern science, with scholars starting to quantify and … Read more



The concept of temperature—how hot or cold something is—has fascinated humans for centuries. Even ancient civilizations noticed the effects of temperature on their surroundings. However, finding precise ways to measure temperature posed a challenge. Whether ancient Greeks or Chinese had specific ways to measure temperature is unclear. However, we can trace the history of temperature … Read more


What is Heat?

The concept of heat—how hot or cold something is—has intrigued humans for centuries. Even ancient civilizations noticed the effects of temperature on their surroundings. However, finding precise ways to measure heat posed a challenge. Ancient Greeks and Chinese likely noticed temperature changes, but they didn’t have specific methods for measuring heat. Their observations laid the … Read more