Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

The story of the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is unique. It’s a fundamental principle that was recognized after the first three laws of thermodynamics were already known. The name “Zeroth” comes from the fact that it needed to be placed before the First Law due to its foundational nature, even though it was discovered later.

Ralph H. Fowler, a British physicist, introduced the term “Zeroth Law” in the 1930s. Before this law was formulated, scientists had already established the First, Second, and Third Laws of Thermodynamics, which dealt with energy, entropy, and absolute zero, respectively. However, they realized something was missing: a law that could define temperature clearly and scientifically.

The Zeroth Law filled this gap by providing a precise definition of temperature. It essentially says that if two systems are in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they must be in thermal equilibrium with each other. This might seem obvious now, but at the time, it was a groundbreaking concept that allowed scientists to measure temperature consistently and compare it between different systems.

What Is the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics?

The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics states: “If two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. “

Imagine you have three cups of water: one hot, one warm, and one cold. If you put the hot cup next to the warm cup, the hot water will make the warm water hotter, right? And if you put the warm cup next to the cold one, the warm water will make the cold water warmer. But what if you put the hot cup next to the cold one? What happens then?

Well, the Zeroth Law says that if you wait long enough, the hot water will cool down, and the cold water will warm up until they both reach a point where they don’t change temperature anymore. This point is called thermal equilibrium. In simpler terms, it means they both become the same temperature!

So, the Zeroth Law tells us that if two things are in thermal equilibrium with a third thing, then they’re also in thermal equilibrium with each other. It’s like saying if two people have the same friend, they’re likely to be friends with each other too.

Also Read: Calorimetry

Thermal Equilibrium

Thermal equilibrium occurs when two systems have been in contact long enough to equalize their temperatures, and no heat flows between them. It’s a state where all parts of the systems have the same temperature.

Imagine you’re organizing a get-together where everyone is asked to bring a dish that’s served hot. Now, you have a big table where all these dishes are placed. As time passes, the hot dishes start cooling down, and the room-temperature dishes start warming up a bit. After a while, all the dishes reach a point where they feel the same in terms of temperature. This is what we call thermal equilibrium.

In physics, thermal equilibrium is a condition where two or more objects that are in contact with each other reach a common temperature after a certain period. This means that there is no net heat flow between them anymore. Heat always flows from the hotter object to the cooler one until they both reach the same temperature.

For example, if you take a hot mug of coffee and leave it on your desk, it will eventually cool down to match the room’s temperature. The mug and the room are in thermal equilibrium because there is no longer any heat transfer between them.

This concept is crucial because it forms the basis of how we understand temperature and heat flow. It’s also why we can use thermometers to measure temperature. When we put a thermometer in contact with an object, we wait for it to reach thermal equilibrium with the object. The temperature reading we get is the result of this equilibrium.

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics Example

Imagine three separate systems—System A, System B, and System C—each with its energy content. System A and System C are separated by a diathermal wall that allows heat to pass through, while System B and System C are also connected by a similar diathermal wall. However, there’s no direct diathermal wall between System A and System B, meaning they can’t exchange heat directly.

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

Now, let’s say System A and System C have been in contact for a while, and they’ve reached a point where no heat flows between them anymore; they are in thermal equilibrium. The same goes for System B and System C.

According to the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, if System A is in thermal equilibrium with System C, and System B is also in thermal equilibrium with System C,

then System A and System B must be in thermal equilibrium with each other. This means that even though System A and System B aren’t directly connected, they still end up having the same temperature because they both have the same temperature as System C.

This law is fundamental because it allows us to define temperature in a precise way. It’s the reason we can use thermometers to measure temperature reliably and why we can say with confidence that two systems in equilibrium with a third system are also in equilibrium with each other. It’s like a chain of temperature connections—once two systems are connected through a third system, they’re effectively connected as well.

Now we look into another example; Imagine you’re at a science fair, and there’s a demonstration with three cups of water, each labeled A, B, and C. The cups are used to explain the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics in a way everyone can understand, especially 12th-grade students.

Example: Cup A is filled with water at a comfortable 30°C, similar to a pleasant day outside. Cup B has water at a warmer 40°C, like a hot summer afternoon. Cup C also has water at 30°C, just like Cup A.

  • Cup A and Cup C: These two are already friends in terms of temperature. They’re both at 30°C, so they’re in thermal equilibrium. No heat flows between them because they’re equally warm.
  • Cup B Meets Cup C: Cup B, which is warmer, is brought into contact with Cup C. Since Cup C is cooler, heat from Cup B starts to flow into Cup C. They’re having a temperature conversation, trying to reach an agreement.
  • Reaching Equilibrium: After some time, Cup B cools down, and Cup C warms up a bit until they both settle at 30°C. They’ve reached an understanding and are now in thermal equilibrium.
  • The Zeroth Law in Action: Now, according to the Zeroth Law, since Cup A was in thermal equilibrium with Cup C, and Cup B reached thermal equilibrium with Cup C, Cup A, and Cup B must be in thermal equilibrium with each other. They didn’t need to be directly compared or mixed; the law tells us they’re the same temperature because they both agreed with Cup C.

This example helps students visualize how the Zeroth Law works. It’s like a social network where if two people are friends with the same person, they’re likely to be friends too. In the world of thermodynamics, this friendship is all about temperature balance.

Application of Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

This law is crucial for the practical use of thermometers. When we measure temperature, we rely on the Zeroth Law. For instance, when a thermometer is in thermal equilibrium with a system, it shows its temperature, which will be the same as any other system in equilibrium.


A thermometer is a device that measures temperature. It works because of the Zeroth Law.

  • When you’re feeling unwell, and you put a thermometer under your tongue, the thermometer’s liquid (usually mercury or colored alcohol) starts at room temperature.
  • As it sits there, heat from your body transfers to the thermometer until they’re both at the same temperature—this is thermal equilibrium.
  • The liquid inside the thermometer expands and rises up the tube as it warms up. The scale next to the tube tells you what your body temperature is.

This is the Zeroth Law in action. The thermometer reaches thermal equilibrium with your body, and because of the Zeroth Law, we know that the temperature reading on the thermometer is the same as your body’s temperature.

Predicting Heat Flow

The Zeroth Law also helps us predict how heat will move between objects. For example, if you put a hot mug on a cold coaster, the Zeroth Law tells us that eventually, the mug and the coaster will end up at the same temperature because they’ll reach thermal equilibrium.

Engineering and Design

In engineering, the Zeroth Law is used to design systems that control temperature, like air conditioners and refrigerators. Engineers need to understand how different materials and components will come to the same temperature to make these systems efficient.

Scientific Research

In scientific research, the Zeroth Law allows scientists to compare temperatures in experiments accurately. Whether they’re studying the effects of temperature on chemical reactions or the behavior of materials at different temperatures, the Zeroth Law ensures that their temperature measurements are consistent and reliable.


Q: What is the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, and why is it called “zeroth”?

  • Answer: The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics states that if two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other. It’s called “zeroth” because it was recognized as a fundamental principle of thermodynamics after the First and Second Laws had already been established.

Q: How does the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics help define temperature?

  • Answer: The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics provides the basis for defining temperature. It states that if two systems are in thermal equilibrium, they have the same temperature. Therefore, temperature can be understood as a measure of the tendency of systems to exchange heat until they reach thermal equilibrium.

Q: Can you explain how the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is applied in everyday life?

  • Answer: The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is applied in various aspects of daily life, such as cooking. When determining if a dish is fully cooked, we rely on the principle that the food and the cooking environment must be in thermal equilibrium, ensuring that the food reaches the desired temperature throughout.

Q: How does the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics relate to the concept of temperature scales?

  • Answer: The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics forms the basis for defining temperature scales. It allows us to establish standard reference points, such as the freezing and boiling points of water, which are used to calibrate temperature scales like Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Q: Why is the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics important in the study of heat transfer?

  • Answer: The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is crucial in understanding heat transfer processes. It provides a foundational principle for determining when thermal equilibrium is reached between systems, which is essential for analyzing and predicting heat exchange in various thermodynamic systems and processes.

Q: Can you give an example of how the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is applied in scientific experiments?

  • Answer: In scientific experiments involving temperature measurements, the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics is often applied to ensure accurate and consistent results. For instance, when calibrating thermometers, it’s essential to verify that the thermometer and a reference object are in thermal equilibrium before taking measurements.

Q: How does the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics contribute to the understanding of the thermal behavior of materials?

  • Answer: The Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics helps establish the fundamental principles governing thermal equilibrium and temperature measurement. This understanding is crucial for studying the behavior of materials under different temperature conditions, such as phase transitions, thermal expansion, and heat conduction.

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