

The story of the capacitor begins in the 18th century. It was a time of great scientific discovery, and among the many inventions of the era, the capacitor holds a special place. The earliest forms of capacitors were known as Leyden jars. These were simple devices consisting of water-filled glass jars. In the 1740s, European … Read more

Electric Potential

potential due to a point charge and dipole

Electric Potential Electric potential is a concept that helps us understand how electric charges interact with each other and with electric fields. Electric potential is related to the work done by or on a charge when it moves in an electric field. Electric potential is measured in volts (V), also called voltage. Mathematically, electric potential … Read more

Gauss’s Law And Its Application

electric flux 02

Gauss’s Law Gauss’s Law is a fundamental principle in electromagnetism that describes the relationship between the electric field and the distribution of electric charge. Formulated by Carl Friedrich Gauss, this law provides a powerful tool for calculating electric fields, especially in cases with high symmetry. Gauss’s Law states that the total electric flux \(\displaystyle \Phi_E\) … Read more

Electric Flux

Electric flux

Electric flux is a measure of the electric field passing through a given surface. It provides insight into how much electric field penetrates or crosses a specific area. The concept is particularly useful in understanding the interaction between electric fields and surfaces, such as when studying Gauss’s Law or the behavior of charged particles. Definition: … Read more

Electric Field Lines

Electric Field Lines

What is an Electric Field Line? Electric field lines were, introduced by Michael Faraday in the 19th century, electric field lines provide a unique and intuitive way to represent the distribution, strength, and direction of the electric field surrounding charged objects. The concept of electric field lines starts with the recognition that charged particles influence … Read more

Gravitational Potential

Gravitational Potential

The story of gravitational potential begins with the ancient Greeks. They were the first to start thinking deeply about the forces that govern the movement of objects. Aristotle, for example, believed that objects fell towards the Earth due to their nature. Fast forward to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, scholars across the world, including … Read more