Current Electricity

Current Electricity

The story of current electricity is not just about circuits and wires; it’s a tale of human curiosity and ingenuity. It begins with the ancient Greeks, like Thales of Miletus, who discovered static electricity over 2,500 years ago by rubbing amber with fur. However, it wasn’t until the 18th century that scientists like Luigi Galvani … Read more

Combination of Capacitors

combination of Capacitor

The journey of capacitors began in the 1740s with the invention of the Leyden jar. This was a simple device consisting of a glass jar filled with water and lined with metal on the inside and outside. It could store a high-voltage charge and was the first practical form of a capacitor. The Leyden jar … Read more

Cylindrical Capacitor

Cylindrical capacitor 1

The journey of capacitors begins in antiquity. The ancient Greeks discovered that amber when rubbed, could attract light particles—a phenomenon we now understand as static electricity. This observation laid the groundwork for the concept of storing charge. Fast forward to the 18th century, the Leyden jar was invented. It was a simple device that could … Read more



The story of the capacitor begins in the 18th century. It was a time of great scientific discovery, and among the many inventions of the era, the capacitor holds a special place. The earliest forms of capacitors were known as Leyden jars. These were simple devices consisting of water-filled glass jars. In the 1740s, European … Read more