Electric Potential

Electric Potential

The story of electric potential began long before the term itself was coined. In the 17th century, pioneers like Otto von Guericke, William Gilbert, and Robert Boyle laid the groundwork by studying electricity and its various properties. Their experiments and observations were crucial in setting the stage for later developments. It wasn’t until the 18th … Read more

Electric Dipole

Electric Dipole 011

Before the term ‘electric dipole’ was formally defined, early scientists observed that certain materials could attract or repel each other when rubbed together, indicating the presence of electric charges. This was the foundation upon which the concept of dipoles would be built. In the 18th century, scientists like Charles-Augustin de Coulomb began quantifying the forces … Read more

Gravitational Potential

Gravitational Potential

The story of gravitational potential begins with the ancient Greeks. They were the first to start thinking deeply about the forces that govern the movement of objects. Aristotle, for example, believed that objects fell towards the Earth due to their nature. Fast forward to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, scholars across the world, including … Read more



The understanding of gravity has evolved over centuries, with contributions from many great minds that have shaped our current knowledge. The earliest thoughts on gravity date back to Aristotle in ancient Greece, who believed that objects fall towards the Earth due to their nature. Later, in the 6th century, the Indian astronomer Brahmagupta described gravity … Read more

Universal Law of Gravitation

Universal Law of Gravitation

Long before Newton, ancient civilizations had their interpretations of gravitational phenomena. The Greeks, for example, observed that objects fall towards the Earth and theorized about the nature of celestial bodies. However, it was not until the Renaissance that significant progress was made. In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Galileo Galilei made crucial observations. … Read more

Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion

Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion

The story of Kepler’s Laws begins with the meticulous observations of the heavens by Tycho Brahe, a Danish nobleman and astronomer. Brahe’s detailed records of planetary positions were unmatched at the time and provided the foundation for a breakthrough in our understanding of the solar system. Johannes Kepler, a German mathematician and astronomer, became Brahe’s … Read more