Ideal Gas Law

Ideal Gas Law

The story of the Ideal Gas Law is a tale of the discovery and the unification of several individual gas laws. It began in the 17th century with Boyle’s Law, discovered by Robert Boyle, which found that pressure and volume are inversely proportional in a gas at a constant temperature. Then, in the 18th century, … Read more

Latent Heat

Latent Heat

What is Latent Heat? Latent Heat is the energy absorbed or released by a substance during a phase change—like melting, freezing, or boiling—without changing its temperature. The word “latent” itself means hidden or concealed, indicating that this heat energy is not evident in the temperature of the substance but rather hidden within its molecular structure … Read more

Changes of State

Changes of State

Imagine observing a block of ice melting into a puddle of water on a warm sunny day or witnessing water vapor condensing into droplets on a cold window pane. These everyday phenomena are examples of changes of state, where substances transition between different physical states, such as solid, liquid, and gas. Changes of state are … Read more