Torque And Angular Momentum

Torque And Angular Momentum

The concepts of torque and angular momentum are rooted in the studies of rotational motion. Historically, scientists like Isaac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell contributed to our understanding of these concepts through their work on the laws of motion and electromagnetism. The concept of torque, or the moment of force, has its roots in ancient … Read more

Centre of Mass

Centre of Mass

The concept of the Centre of Mass is deeply rooted in the work of ancient scholars and has evolved through the contributions of many great minds over the centuries. The story of the Centre of Mass begins with the ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, and engineer Archimedes of Syracuse. Around the 3rd century BC, Archimedes made … Read more

Rigid Body

Rigid Body

The study of rigid bodies dates back to the early days of classical mechanics, a branch of physics that deals with the motion of objects. The concept of a rigid body is essential because it simplifies the complex interactions of particles in a solid object by considering the object as a whole. The idea of … Read more



The study of collisions dates back to the times when early philosophers and scientists began to understand the nature of motion and forces. However, the most significant advancements came with the work of Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century. His formulation of the three laws of motion laid the foundation for classical mechanics, including … Read more



The idea of power as we understand it in physics today has roots that go back to ancient civilizations. However, it wasn’t until the scientific developments during the Renaissance that the concept began to take a more defined shape. The ancient Greeks had notions of power related to simple machines, but these ideas were not … Read more

Various Forms of Energy: The Law of Conservation of Energy

Various Forms of Energy: The Law of Conservation of Energy

Ancient philosophers, such as Thales of Miletus around 550 BCE, had inklings about the conservation of some underlying substance from which everything is made. However, their theories didn’t directly align with our modern understanding of energy. For example, Thales believed this fundamental substance was water. Empedocles (490–430 BCE) proposed a universal system composed of four … Read more

Potential Energy

Potential Energy

The story of potential energy begins with the ancient Greeks, particularly with Aristotle’s concept of “potentiality.” Aristotle observed that objects have the potential to change states, such as a rock on a hill that can roll down. Fast forward to the 17th century, and we see the concept of potential energy taking a more scientific … Read more

Work-Energy Theorem

Work-Energy Theorem

The concept of the Work-Energy Theorem has been recognized for centuries, but it was not always stated in its current form. It evolved from Newton’s second law applied to particles and extended to rigid bodies. The Work-Energy Theorem is a fundamental principle in physics that has been recognized for centuries. However, it wasn’t always stated … Read more